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There can be an endless saga to depict the bravery tales of dogs. Every owner must have experienced the loyalty and courage of their pooch, at least once in their life time. These qualities come naturally to canines and we are lucky to have such companions that may give their life to protect their pack members, which are humans in this era.

For the last 5 years, American Humane Association has been organizing Hero Dog Awards to celebrate the heroism of dogs. The selection for Hero Dog Awards 2015 has already been done and this contest is awaiting your precious vote to crown the bravest of the 8 finalists. But, to cast a vote, knowing the heroic stories of these dogs is very important.

Let’s have a glimpse on the valorous deeds of the finalists for Hero Dog Awards 2015!

  1. Hudson- A therapy dog

Famously addressed as “The Railroad Puppies”, Hudson with his two siblings, Pearl and Carina were found badly abused near the railroad tracks in Albany, when they were 3 weeks old. Sadly, Carina was not able to make it and Hudson was badly injured. He went through a surgery and was one of the first dogs fitted for a prosthetic limb. After this surgery, he was trained to become a therapy dog. Hudson is the finest example of pit bull breed. He visits schools, hospitals, adult day care facilities and their families to bring smile on each of their faces. His presence has changed many lives and deserves to be the hero dog of 2015 for his love and warmth.

  1. Rambo- A military dog

Just like his name, Rambo had all the strong traits of Sylvester Stallone. Sgt. Rambo served in the Marine Corps from January 6 2011 to April 11 2012 as an explosion detective. While active, he went through 994 hours of training and 622 missions on his base and in his local community. He had also accompanied countless WWII veterans to Washington to be on Alamo Honor Flight’s mascot.

Rambo retired due to medical reasons in November 2012. He had to have his limb amputated. These reasons were not enough to stop him from playing his role of being the hero. Rambo is currently the mascot for Gizmo’s Gift, a Texas nonprofit that offers financial support to families who adopt a retired working dog. He now connects with children and adults of all ages and capacities to provide the warmth needed. He is a hero that crosses every hurdle to unite the animal welfare, human rights and military. His bravery awaits your vote!

  1. Axel- A service dog

Before five years, Captain Jason Haag was diagnosed with PTSD and traumatic brain injury after two combat tours in the Middle East. To fight his constant mental depression and agony, his wife urged him to seek help from K9s for warriors. This organization provides service canines for veterans. There entered Axel, a battle buddy for the Captain.

Since then, Captain Jason has not paired up with another marine; instead Alex takes charge as his battle buddy. He goes through all the highs and lows along with Captain. Alex’s love and alertness have molded the Captain into a stronger person.

  1. Harley- An emerging hero dog

A diseased heart, a mouth filled with rot, a fused spine, a broken tail, gnarled toes, a missing eye and deformed legs were the issues that Harley had to face while his stay at the puppy mill for 10 years. The abusive behavior at puppy mills has ruined many a lives of canines. His physical and emotional healing inspired a campaign called “Harley to the rescue”, that raises funds to rescue canines from the puppy mills. Harley personally goes to the rescue missions and connects with puppies there. His presence has been an inspiration to all the people. He is an emerging hero and has been also awarded the emerging hero award.

  1. Glory- An arson dog

Glory is a certified accelerant detection canine. She is trained to sniff and detect the traces of hydrocarbon based accelerants that helps in stopping the intentionally set fires. With the help of Glory and her impeccable sense of smell, her handler can detect the possibility of arson matter within minutes where manual detection would take more than a week’s time.

Glory also has the ability to sense pain and sadness in the fire fighters. She would spend her day with those fighters sensing their hard day. She is also a substantial part of public education. She visits schools and organizations to spread awareness about fire along with her handler. She is an irreplaceable part of the fire fighting team.

  1. Dax- Law enforcement dog

Officer Chris Alberini works with his canine, Dax, who saved his life from a suspect hidden in an attic with a shotgun. On July 2 2013, Officer Chris was called to assist the search of a suspect, who had a suspended driver’s license and an active arrest warrant. They entered the house of the suspect and began the search. Dax alerted the officer when he found a ceiling hatch leading to an attic. The officer called upon the suspect and on not getting any response, he hoisted Dax on him. If Dax had not bitten the suspect, he would have shot the officer with his gun. Officer Chris owes his life to the bravery of Dax. This courageous canine deserves your vote for the Hero Dog 2015 awards.

  1. Chara- A guide/hearing dog

Originally trained as a signal service dog, Chara had a very strong bond with her handler. Due to a work accident in 2008, her handler developed a neurological condition known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy type II with Dystonia after a fractured hand. Because of an intense bond with her handler, Chara has trained herself to detect impending myoclonic dystonic attacks before 15-45 minutes. It appeared as if she developed this skill for a reason. When her handler gave birth to her son, he developed a severe cold and stopped breathing after 2 weeks, which was not known by his mother having an impaired hearing. Chara took it upon herself to alert her handler that something is wrong with her son. The love for the newest pack member made Chara go beyond her original hearing skills and granted a normal life to the child of her handler. If Chara would have not alerted on the issue, the baby boy would have slipped to a condition SIDS. Chara is the finest example of loyalty and bravery that must be appreciated with your votes.

  1. Glory- Search and rescue dog

The pain of losing a pet is unbearable. Isn’t it? Glory is the reliever of that pain. Yes, Glory is trained to find lost pets. She is highly dedicated to her work, finding the precious furry friends of two legged families with an unmatched devotion irrespective of extreme weather temperatures and time. She has united Stephanie and her cat, Pistol; Derek and his dog, Paisley; and Karin and her Pomeranian, Goldie under severe conditions. These are just some of the examples of Glory’s devotion to her work of uniting pets with their owners.

These are the 8 finalists chosen for the Hero Dog Awards 2015. Each of them has a unique heart-touching story that needs to be spread wide. Every dog owner must cast his/her vote to appreciate the courage and loyalty of these extraordinary pooches. You can vote for this contest until September 7 at 12 pm ET. Choose the one that connects to your heart and cast your vote!

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Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.