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Who wouldn’t melt with the purr of these furry munchkins! They are just so adorable.

Yes, we are talking about Cats! They are beautiful creatures and equally intriguing. Once friends with them, they won’t let you stay alone. You can enjoy as many cat kisses and head-butting as you want in your lifetime. But, but, but…. you must know what your cat needs so you can satisfy her expectations. Cats love to lounge peacefully without getting disturbed; they must be handled delicately and also be rewarded with treats. So, if you fulfill her expectations she can be the best companion. And what better day can you find to strengthen your bond with your kitty and make her feel special than International Cat Day.

International Cat Day was first observed in 2002 by International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to celebrate human and cat relationship and to improve the quality of life of all cats of the world.

It would be a great idea to support this initiative by doing something productive for the society and providing care to your cats because charity starts from home.

So, here are some ideas that you can follow.

Brings New Toys

Cats won’t mind if you replace their old toys with the new ones. They love the variety and are extremely fond of getting a new source of enjoyment.

Cat Furniture

Make a nice hiding place from a shoe box for your kitty. She will appreciate your effort and find a new abode. You can also bring cat shelves and scratch posts. They will keep your kitty active and consumed for long.

Play With Her

You can play with her by hiding behind the furniture or in some corner of your house from where your kitty could see you. She will definitely come to check you if you run to hide just when she is watching.

Give Her Chews To Munch

Reward your kitty with treats for putting up a good behavior. They will adore you for that. Trust me. However, stick to one or two and not more than that. You can also gift her dental chews that will keep her teeth clean and breathe fresh, besides acting like a gift.

Pay A Visit To Your Vet

A healthy cat is full of positivity and energy. To ensure her well-being and improve the quality of her life, it is important that you take her to the vet regularly. If you forgot or skipped to take her this month, do it on this perfect occasion of a cat day.

Bring New Collar and Supplies

Anything that is useful for your kitty is always good to shop on this occasion. So indulge in some advance shopping which can include things like – health supplements, her shampoo or conditioner, a new collar that repels parasites, a new litter box, a leash or a packaged food that she loves to eat. However, when giving packaged food, maintain limit and only provide it as a treat and not as a staple.

Extend Your Help To Cat Shelters

This is the most modest and the kindest way of celebrating International Cat Day. Your visit to cat shelter with lots of supplies and new toys can be of great help to people who take care of these poor cats of estranged pet owners.

International Cat Day was started for a cause and if you can contribute towards it by spending time caring for cats, it will help to develop a more generous society towards pets. An act of gratitude towards these wonderful creatures can be better than umpteen materialistic gifts you could provide them. So, apart from these celebration ideas, do some community stuff if possible. It will bring a change in some kitties’ lives.



Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.