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Intestinal parasites can have adverse effects on our furry pals. These intestinal parasites spread through the ingestion of contaminated feces and infected hosts. They can cause great harm to the pets. Hence, there needs to be a deworming protocol that needs to be followed for dogs and cats. If you are concerned about these intestinal parasites affecting the lives of your pets then look at these deworming protocols given below:


Intestinal Parasites in Dogs - Canada Pet Care Blog

1. All adult dogs need to be de-wormed on a monthly basis. There are a wide array of Deworming Treatments available online and the great thing is that many of these treatments also prevent heartworms which is transmitted by mosquitoes. The monthly treatment is especially significant for dogs that are exposed to small children or individuals whose immune system has been compromised as they are at a greater risk of contracting parasites. There are times when dogs need to be de-wormed on a monthly basis for an entire year based on the lifestyle of the dog and the health status of the people that they are in contact. Hence, it is recommended to administer a broad spectrum deworming treatment that kills all intestinal parasites including tapeworms.

2. There are certain dog owners who do not wish to follow monthly protocol during summers. In such cases, it is recommended to use a broad spectrum deworming treatment in spring and fall. The very least that you can do is to De-worm the doggy on a yearly basis at the time of their annual checkup.

3. Puppies need to be de-wormed every 2 weeks till they are 12 weeks of age. Then they need to be de-wormed till they become 6 months of age. The same de-worming protocol for puppies need to be followed during the summer as adult dogs. Since puppies grow very fast it is important to weigh them properly before getting appropriate treatment as per their size.


Intestinal Parasites in Cats - Canada Pet Care Blog

Cats have a different lifestyle than dogs and so you need to follow a different de-worming protocol for them:

1. Outdoor cats or those who hunt should be De-wormed every 2 months during summer and 1 to 2 times during the remainder of the year.

2. Cats that go outside only on a harness need to be de-wormed midsummer and again during the fall.

3. Indoor cats with limited parasitic exposure should be de-wormed on a yearly basis during the time of their annual check-up.

4. Cats that reside in a home with immune compromised individuals or small children need to be de-wormed approximately 4 times on a yearly basis. For outdoor cats, you need to follow the above protocol during the summer.

5. Kittens need to be de-wormed every 2 weeks till they become 12 weeks of age. After that review the annually on the basis of their lifestyle.

Buy Intestinal Parasites Treatment


Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.