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Cats are one of the most loved pets in our country but sometimes they are portrayed as crafty, self-interested creatures that do precisely what they like. But it has been researched and found that by veterinary scientists and animal behaviorists that cats are just like other animals and they are just as self-interested as other animals so this belief that we had about our feline friend was merely a myth than a reality.

Everything that you thought you knew about your furry friend is about to change because the intent of this write-up is to unravel some popular cat fictions and make you aware of the reality which might surprise you. Let us now look at some of the myths and the realities associated with them:

MYTH: Milk is ideal food for felines

REALITY: You might have seen people giving milk to cats and perceive that she loves it. But the truth of the matter is that cats are extremely fond of cream, that gives them high-fat content and so it is obvious for them to get attracted to cow milk, especially when they see the cream at the top of the milk. But the milk that is available in the supermarket nowadays contains less fat, which although is good for the taste buds of the kitties they do not find it easy to digest and there is a logical reason for that.

Like all infants, kittens are born to digest the main sugar in milk lactose. Sugar is very important for young animals, but as soon as the weaning period is over lactase begins to disappear from the gut. So when an adult cat drinks milk, the indigestible lactose in the gut starts to ferment resulting in stomach upset.

MYTH: It is impossible to train felines.

REALITY: Cats just like dogs can be trained, but the sad truth is, not many cat owners are aware of this. This is due to the fact that cats are natural hunters and so they are assumed to be in their best behavior when left alone. Untrained dogs, on the other hand, can cause more hindrance than assistance. The major difference in training a doggie and a cat is the motivational drive in the two species to learn. Dogs find human attention; rewarding and so they focus obsessively on their trainers and follow their suit so their behavior can be shaped accordingly.

Dogs can be trained by giving them food as a reward. But for felines, this hardly works. It requires lots of patience and perseverance by the cat owner. Cats only attend to people when they need something. So they need to be lured for paying attention like giving them a tasty prawn or morsel of chicken breast.

Training sessions need to be extremely short because it has been observed that cats tend to get bored quite easily and any attempt to teach them anything when they are disinterested will not yield any results. Training can make your life along with the feline’s life easier for example; taking your feline to the veterinarian may be a Herculean task without training, but after she has been trained in being the carrier it will be more of fun without any stress.

Did we miss out on some cat myths in this write-up? If yes; please do share it with us in the comments section and we would be glad to reply back. Till then keeping reading!!

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Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.