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It is interesting to learn that Revolution does not just resolve fleas; the most prevalent parasites, but also other 5 major kinds of infestations and how effectively its powerful ingredient works to destroy the parasites. So, after understanding what revolution is and how it works, let’s throw some light on its benefits and side effects if any.

Benefits of Revolution for cats and dogs

  • The highly effective all-rounder treatment for cats and dogs.
  • Effective against several parasites.
  • Comes in three different pack sizes.
  • Manufactured by Zoetis, a well-renowned manufacturer.
  • Cost-effective topical treatment.
  • Fast-acting formula that eliminates parasites quickly.
  • Easy to use spot-on solution.
  • Non-greasy product and thus, won’t leave your hands oily when you touch your dog.
  • The product is odourless and hence, won’t cause any kind of skin irritation in pets nor will it trouble your nose.
  • Long-lasting waterproof treatment.
  • Safe to use on pregnant, breeding, and lactating dogs and cats.

Side Effects of Revolution


Drooling is the initial sign of side effects caused due to the dosage of Revolution. Dogs are more likely to drool if they lick the area following the dosage. Excessive drooling can cause stomach upset, so calm your pet while nausea passes.


If your pet accidentally ingests Revolution, then along with drooling, vomiting is the next clear sign of accidental ingestion. If your pet vomits, then you should immediately seek veterinary advice.


Diarrhoea may occur to one percent of dogs that are given regular doses of Revolution. There have also been very rare cases of dogs that had bloody diarrhoea. If it occurs, switch your pet to a diet for a couple of days in order to ease any digestive upset.

Hair Loss

Some dogs or cats may develop skin irritation at the place where Revolution is applied, which may, in turn, cause hair loss in that specific area. This side effect is more common to be in cats, but it’s worth monitoring dogs as well.


You may also notice a lack of coordination in pets, which occurs very rarely. Signs of in-coordination include difficulty moving around, muscle tremors, leading or pushing against a wall, difficulty moving, or dizziness.

The side effects of Revolution aren’t always experienced by all the pets. There can be very few cases where a cat or a dog can be affected by the dosage of Revolution. Moreover, the side effects aren’t serious, and you can witness your pet getting back to normal within no such time. If your pet experiences any side effects of Revolution, then immediately consult your veterinarian.

Important Facts to Know about Revolution for Pets

  • Avoid applying the treatment if the pet’s coat is still wet or damp.
  • Revolution is a waterproof product. Its efficacy is not reduced by immersing the pet in water or bathing it two hours after the administration. However, you must wait until the solution completely dries out.
  • Revolution is safe to use for the treatment of pregnant and lactating pets.
  • You can use the product in Collies without any skepticism.
  • In case you forget to apply the monthly dose, apply it immediately and resume the schedule starting from that date. Make sure you do notify about the lapse before taking any action.

Revolution for pets is indeed a smarter option for cats and dogs, and that can be proved with its efficacy and benefits. It has proven to be the best treatment to treat 5 parasites at once. Therefore, all you need to do is consider reading the label meticulously, and following the directions as mentioned on it.


Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.