A dog’s tail does tell a tale. Dogs express their emotions through their body language and their tail plays a major role in it. The position of a dog’s tail indicates what he’s feeling. As a pet parent, it’s vital for you to pick up on the little signs to know what your pet is going through. Therefore, let’s see what your dog’s tail tells about him!
Tail Curled Towards the Head
Generally, a dog’s tail will be curled towards his head when he’s in a relaxed mood. Any dog that has his tail naturally curled shows that he is calm and content. However, if you observe your dog pulling the tail towards his head means that he’s over-excited. Thus, it’s vital to observe the actions of the pet.
Tucked In
A tail tucked in between the legs indicates that the dog is scared or nervous. Whenever a dog is feeling frightened, he will tuck his tail in between his legs to cover and protect his genital areas. When observing this, pet parents need to get alert and find a cause for such behavior.
Right Side Tail Wag
Generally, a dog that is wagging his tail on the right side is considered to be a friendly dog. Thus, it’s fine to approach such a dog. Next time, pay attention to the dog’s behavior whenever you give him any treats or bring his favorite toy. He will start wagging his tail!
Left Side Tail Wag
On the contrary, left side tail wagging indicates that the dog is not comfortable in his surroundings. It could be the presence of a stranger or a dominant dog. So, during such time, it’s best to keep a distance from the pet and let him calm down on his own.
Quick Tail Wag
If you find your pooch wagging his tail quickly and it’s raised high and stiff, it is the moment where the dog is feeling extremely confident. Moreover, dogs also do this when they want to show their dominance over other dogs.
Slow Tail Wag
This generally means that your furry pal is thinking over something. A lazy, slow tail wagging means the pet wants to be left alone to have some quiet time. On other hand, a slow tail wag could also be a sign of nervousness in the dog. Thus, a pet parent needs to assess the surroundings first in order to know about his dog’s feelings.
Dogs are adorable in every way and every little thing they do have some sort of meaning behind it. Whether it’s wagging their tails or any other action, a dog could be trying to convey his feelings or showing contentment. It’s not mandatory to know these signs, but if you do, it will certainly strengthen your bond with your furry pal!