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As a pet parent, it is natural to worry about flea infestations. Fleas are dangerous and can cause serious health problems in cats and dogs. Spotting the signs of a flea infestation early on and taking active steps to eliminate it can save you and your pet from big trouble. But how do you tell if your cat or dog has fleas? Or if fleas are present elsewhere in your home? Let’s find out. 

While spotting a flea crawling beneath your furry friend’s beautiful coat is an obvious sign of a flea infestation, here are the major signs to look out for: 

Common Signs of Fleas in Dogs and cats

  • Adult fleas
  • Flea eggs
  • Flea larvae
  • Flea dirt (pepper-like specks)
  • Excessive scratching
  • Biting and licking
  • Skin inflammation
  • Red bumps
  • Pale gums
  • Hair loss
  • Lethargy
  • Skin redness

If you notice any of the above symptoms of fleas, contact your veterinarian immediately to get your pet treated with a suitable flea treatment. 

With flea and tick season around the corner, pet parents should watch out for these parasites on their pets daily. Fleas mostly hide in the pet’s fur around the neck, hindquarters, armpits, tails, and ears. Check for the presence of fleas or flea dirt, especially in these areas.

Signs of Fleas in Your Home        

You will be surprised to know that 95% of fleas are in your home and not on your pet. In fact, unfertilized flea cocoons can survive in your home for more than a year and develop into a flea infestation under favorable circumstances. Therefore, it is equally essential to prevent flea infestation in your home by detecting the signs of fleas at the right time.

To check for fleas in your home, focus on these top 5 areas

Check the following areas in your home for the presence of fleas:

1. Pet Beds

If your dog or cat is infested, fleas are on your pet’s bedding too. This is because pets spend most of their time here. Use a magnifying glass to detect tiny, pepper-like specs of flea dirt or adult fleas on pet beds.

2. Furniture

Fleas are tiny, annoying creatures that easily hide in the nooks and crannies of your furniture. These dark, damp, and unsupervised places are ideal for fleas to live and reproduce. Regularly clean your furniture and upholstery     to uncover any hidden pests.

3. Carpets

Given the larger surface area, carpets and rugs can accommodate an entire flea population even before you notice the presence of fleas in your home. Use a magnifying glass to detect fleas on carpets, and vacuum them regularly to eliminate them.

4. Floor

Fleas may not be able to survive on floors for longer, as the flat surface of baseboards and hardwood floors don’t have anything they can attach to. However, keep an eye out for fleas on the floor as these creepy creatures can crawl and attach themselves to your pet in no time.

5. Backyard

Given the larger surface area, carpets and rugs can accommodate an entire flea population even before you notice the presence of fleas in your home. Use a magnifying glass to detect fleas on carpets and vacuum them regularly to eliminate them.

Getting Rid of Fleas on Dogs and Cats

The only effective way to forbid the terrible insects called fleas is to use a vet-recommended flea treatment for cats and dogs year-round. Flea and tick treatments are designed to knock off these tiny parasites before they can harm your pet and protect them from deadly flea and tick-borne diseases. And if you notice any of the signs and symptoms of fleas on pets but are unsure if there’s an infestation, fix an appointment with a veterinarian to eliminate the risk of infestation as early as possible.


Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.