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Hairballs are the products of feline hygiene. Cats develop hairballs when they use their rough tongues to groom themselves. It is a wide known fact that cats love to groom themselves and during self-grooming they end up swallowing a bit of loose hair. When the feline is not able to digest the swallowed hair or unable to pass through the digestive tract and out in the stool then she vomits hairballs. Some of the prevalent hairball symptoms in cats include:

Hairball Symptoms in Cats

  • Coughing
  • Gagging
  • Hacking
  • Vomiting

To avoid this situation, try these home remedies to keep the hairballs to the minimum:

Effective Home Remedies Of Cat Hairballs

Hairballs In Cats

Canned Pumpkin for Cats

Canned pumpkin aids in making hairballs pass through the cat’s system. Just add one or two tablespoon plain canned pumpkin to the kitty’s diet every day or twice on a weekly basis. If your feline does not have any health problem, then add it as it is. But if she has a sensitive stomach then warm the pumpkin. The natural fiber present in pumpkin helps in pushing the swallowed hair out with bowel movements.

Olive Oil for Cats

If you add a single teaspoon of olive oil in your kitty’s food once or twice on a weekly basis it would prevent the kitty from vomiting hairballs. The oil lubricates the digestive system of the cat which enables hairballs to slide right through without causing any disturbance to her tummy. It even helps in digesting the food.

Cat Food

If your kitty is suffering from the persistent hairball problem then feed a hairball formula food. This food aids hairballs to pass out the other end, while also enhancing the hair and skin health of the kitty. It also reduces shedding.

Grooming for Cats

Get a high quality hairbrush for your feline and brush her fur on a daily basis. This would reduce the amount of hair ingested by her. To get rid of as much of loose hair as possible, wipe the kitty with a damp cloth in the direction of hair growth after brushing. This is especially important for long-haired cats and older cats.

Cat Toys

If your feline is grooming herself excessively it can be a case where you need to distract her with a toy. This will not only reduce the occurrence of hairballs, but also make you spend quality time with your kitty.

If these home remedies do not work and the feline continues to cough hairballs, consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible. Some of the signs that you need to watch include: vomiting or gagging up more than a hairball per day, diarrhea, lack of appetite, constipation or lethargy. This can mean an internal blockage that can be life-threatening for the feline.


Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.