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We never knew lack of reproductive hormones could even make dogs bald. But it is true. Dermatosis – a skin condition without inflammation can emanate due to an imbalance of reproductive hormones. These hormones regulate hair growth in dogs and any disturbance in their production thus leads to poor appearance, dull coat and hair loss.  So let’s have a rundown at the possible causes of Baldness and Dermatosis in Fidos.

Causes Of  Dermatosis and Baldness In Dogs

  • Overproduction Of Estrogen
  • Failure of testes, ovaries, cystic ovaries or ovarian or testicular tumors
  • Presence of two reproductive organs of different gender
  • Androgen overproduction by the adrenal gland
  • Underproduction of Androgen
  • Excess or underproduction of progesterone and testosterone
  • Deficiency of enzyme producing progesterone

Dogs Susceptible For Hormonal Imbalance

Some breeds have a predisposition towards hormonal disturbances and therefore require more care and attention.

Susceptible Breeds

  • Cairn Terriers
  • Shetland
  • Boxers
  • German Shepherds
  • Collies
  • Pekingese
  • Dachshunds
  • Weimaraners
  • Afghan Hounds
  • Pomeranians
  • Chow Chows

Symptoms Of Baldness and Dermatosis In Dogs

The most ostensible symptoms include:

  • Baldness in patches like in neck, tail, thighs or groin area.
  • Excessive shedding of the coat without any inflammation
  • Dandruff
  • Darkening of skin in the bald area
  • Brittle fur
  • Blackheads on skin
  • Abnormal shape of testicles, prepuce, vulva, mammary glands or prostate gland
  • Itching

How Is it Diagnosed?

A physical examination of dog is conducted which may include urinalysis, blood count, and skin biopsy to check for any abnormality in the sex hormone receptors in the skin. A vet may also perform Adrenocorticotropin Hormone Stimulation Test (ACTH) for any abnormality in the production of reproductive hormones.


If at all your dog is suffering from hormone related issues and badness, getting him neutered or spayed will be the perfect treatment. Other than that, there are supplements and drugs that stimulate hair follicles to produce more hair. Growth Hormone treatments also help in stimulating specific gland related dermatosis or baldness.

Another Big Reason Of Baldness And Dermatosis In Dogs

Flea Allergy Dermatosis(FAD) is a condition that emerges when fleas bite and leave saliva on the dog’s skin. If the dog is allergic to flea saliva, he develops bald patches and scabs on the skin that causes excessive itching leading to more hair loss. However, this condition is not caused by any sort of hormonal imbalance but as a body’s immune response to an allergen and, is treatable. To save your pet from getting this sort of hair loss and illness, we suggest you provide him with flea preventatives that will kill the existing flea if any and will also safeguard your dog against FAD for a month. You can, in fact, continue the preventatives for the entire year to get complete protection against these parasites.

Prevention Of Hormonal Imbalance Related Baldness and Dermatosis

A hormonal imbalance may occur in the dog’s body when he isn’t getting appropriate nutrition. Thus, make sure to impart him a well-balanced diet. Besides, you can also provide supplements which help in fulfilling any nutritional deficiency which body isn’t able to absorb from the diet.

Grooming also plays an important role in dog’s overall health and appearance. Maintaining good hygiene helps in keeping the diseases at bay and chucks any build-up of bacteria on the skin (another cause of hair loss or skin infection) in pets. So, maintain a healthy regime and a good diet for your pet to remain furry and happy. You definitely wouldn’t want your pet to look dull am sure!

And lastly, do go to vet for regular check-ups of your pet so any abnormality or infection of the glands gets detected at the earliest.

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Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.